How to get to the congress venue
From Amsterdam Schiphol Airport to Noordwijk ESA ESTEC
The easiest way to get from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport to ESA ESTEC Noordwijk is by taxi shuttle service provided by Taxi Brouwer. You can make a reservation on their website.
From Amsterdam Schiphol Airport to Noordwijk ESA ESTEC
Schiphol train station is located within the airport. Trains for Leiden depart from platform 5 or 6. The costs for a single fare Schiphol Station – Leiden Central Station is € 6.90 for 2nd class and € 11.73 for 1st class. From Schiphol Airport, it takes about 21 minutes to get to Leiden Central Station. Once you walk out of the station, take the bus number 430 to ESA ESTEC Noordwijk with Arriva R-NET. The bus departs from platform D. Click here for the walking route from Leiden Central station to the bus station of Leiden Central Station. To plan your journey by train, please go to NS or to plan your journey by bus from Leiden Central Station, please go to

Driving instructions by car & parking
The ESA ESTEC is well situated and reachable by car. ESTEC is located at the southern tip of Noordwijk. Coming from Den Haag (The Hague), take the A44 motorway in the direction Amsterdam/Wassenaar and exit at ‘Leiden’ (exit 8). Follow the N206 in the direction Katwijk and Haarlem. Take the exit ‘Katwijk Noord’. From there follow the signs ‘ESA Estec’ (small white traffic signs). From Amsterdam, take the A4 in the direction Den Haag-Rotterdam, then at the junction follow the A44. Take exit 6, Noordwijk-Voorhout, continue to Noordwijk and from there, follow the signs ‘ESA Estec’. There are several parking facilities around the ESA ESTEC.
Transport on conference days
A shuttle service is available on conference days from the NH Leeuwenhorst Hotel, Two Brothers Noordwijk Beach Hotel and Leiden Central Station to ESA ESTEC and return. Please see the shuttle service times below. Transport is offered on a first come first served basis.
30 May 2023
17.45 NH Leeuwenhorst – 17.55 Two Brothers Noordwijk Hotel –> Galileo Reference Centre (GRC) = 100pax
17.40 Leiden Central Station –> Galileo Reference Centre (GRC) = 100pax
Pick-up location in Leiden: Stationsplein 107 , 2312 AJ (Morssingel/Schipholweg)

19.30 Galileo Reference Centre (GRC) – 19.40 Two Brothers Noordwijk Hotel –> NH Leeuwenhorst = 100pax
19.30 Galileo Reference Centre (GRC) –> Leiden Central Station = 100pax
Pick-up and drop off location at Leiden Central Station on 31 May, 1 June and 2 June
Bus station outside the train station. At the bus stop for the Soldaat van Oranje shuttle, there is sign indicating this stop.

31 May 2023
08:15 NH Leeuwenhorst – 8.25 Two Brothers Noordwijk Hotel –> Estec = 50pax
08:30 NH Leeuwenhorst – 8.40 Two Brothers Noordwijk Hotel –> Estec = 50pax
08:45 NH Leeuwenhorst – 8.55 Two Brothers Noordwijk Hotel –> Estec = 50pax
08:15 Leiden Central Station –> Estec = 50pax
08:30 Leiden Central Station –> Estec = 50pax
08:45 Leiden Central Station –> Estec = 50pax
17:45 Estec –> Two Brothers Noordwijk Hotel – NH Leeuwenhorst = 50pax
18:00 Estec –> Two Brothers Noordwijk Hotel – NH Leeuwenhorst = 50pax
18:00 Estec –> Two Brothers Noordwijk Hotel – NH Leeuwenhorst = 50pax
17:45 Estec –> Leiden Central Station = 50pax
18:00 Estec –> Leiden Central Station = 50pax
18:00 Estec –> Leiden Central Station = 50pax
Beach dinner
19.00 Leiden Central Station – 19.20 NH Leeuwenhorst – Tulum Beachvilla Noordwijk = 60pax
19.15 Leiden Central Station – 19.35 NH Leeuwenhorst – Tulum Beachvilla Noordwijk = 120pax
22:30 Tulum Beachvilla Noordwijk –> NH Leeuwenhorst – Leiden Central Station = 60pax
23:00 Tulum Beachvilla Noordwijk –> NH Leeuwenhorst – Leiden Central Station = 60pax
23:40 Tulum Beachvilla Noordwijk–> NH Leeuwenhorst – Leiden Central Station = 60pax
1 June 2023
08:00 NH Leeuwenhorst – 8.10 Two Brothers Noordwijk Hotel –> Estec = 50pax
08:15 NH Leeuwenhorst – 8.25 Two Brothers Noordwijk Hotel –> Estec = 50pax
08:00 Leiden Central Station –> Estec = 50pax
08:15 Leiden Central Station –> Estec = 50pax
17:45 Estec –> Two Brothers Noordwijk Hotel – NH Leeuwenhorst = 50pax
18:00 Estec –> Two Brothers Noordwijk Hotel – NH Leeuwenhorst = 50pax
17:45 Estec –> Leiden Central Station = 50pax
18:00 Estec –> Leiden Central Station = 50pax
Amsterdam Canal Cruise (for participants pre-registered for the cruise only)
18:00 Estec –> Amsterdam
21:30 Amsterdam –> Leiden Central Station – NH Leeuwenhorst – Two Brothers Noordwijk Hotel
2 June 2023
08:00 NH Leeuwenhorst – 8.10 Two Brothers Noordwijk Hotel –> Estec = 50pax
08:15 NH Leeuwenhorst – 8.25 Two Brothers Noordwijk Hotel –> Estec = 50pax
08:00 Leiden Central Station –> Estec = 50pax
08:15 Leiden Central Station –> Estec = 50pax
15:15 Estec –> Two Brothers Noordwijk Hotel – NH Leeuwenhorst = 50pax
15:45 Estec –> Two Brothers Noordwijk Hotel – NH Leeuwenhorst = 50pax
15:15 Estec –> Leiden Central Station = 50pax
15:45 Estec –> Leiden Central Station = 50pax